Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Liam's Home 0ne!

My husband and I decided to do a St. Louis Cardinals theme for Liam's 1st birthday bash and it was a hit! We even had Fredbird join in on the celebration! With the whirlwind of all of the festivities, I did not get as many pictures taken as what I hoped for, but here are a few from the day...

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The Balancing Act

Where has the year gone?! Liam just turned 1 a couple of weeks ago, and as the guests left and we cleaned up the half eaten pieces of cake and picked up the shredded tissue paper, we reminisced over the year. It just amazes me to see how much our little guy has changed over a year and how my husband and I have changed along with him. The biggest change we have made is not going out to eat as much. Now that we have 3 people to feed, I've been doing a lot more cooking, especially since I decided to make the switch to a Paleo diet. I always hated to cook, but now I actually get excited about the creations I am making for my family. I will post more about this diet venture I have decided to join, later this week. Another big change in our lives... We now have a toddler to chase around and keep entertained. I thought babies were going to be hard work! This child can get into anything!! He's already figured out how doors work, and where I store my nail polish. With this little tornado destroying every room, I'm trying to learn how to juggle keeping a clean house, making plenty of time to play with my munchkin, cook, and keep my sanity! Whooo! I'm getting tired just thinking about it all! Hoping you all are enjoying these summer days!

Such a big help working on the landscaping.

Loving the water!

This expression just cracks me up!
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