Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Liam's Home 0ne!

My husband and I decided to do a St. Louis Cardinals theme for Liam's 1st birthday bash and it was a hit! We even had Fredbird join in on the celebration! With the whirlwind of all of the festivities, I did not get as many pictures taken as what I hoped for, but here are a few from the day...

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The Balancing Act

Where has the year gone?! Liam just turned 1 a couple of weeks ago, and as the guests left and we cleaned up the half eaten pieces of cake and picked up the shredded tissue paper, we reminisced over the year. It just amazes me to see how much our little guy has changed over a year and how my husband and I have changed along with him. The biggest change we have made is not going out to eat as much. Now that we have 3 people to feed, I've been doing a lot more cooking, especially since I decided to make the switch to a Paleo diet. I always hated to cook, but now I actually get excited about the creations I am making for my family. I will post more about this diet venture I have decided to join, later this week. Another big change in our lives... We now have a toddler to chase around and keep entertained. I thought babies were going to be hard work! This child can get into anything!! He's already figured out how doors work, and where I store my nail polish. With this little tornado destroying every room, I'm trying to learn how to juggle keeping a clean house, making plenty of time to play with my munchkin, cook, and keep my sanity! Whooo! I'm getting tired just thinking about it all! Hoping you all are enjoying these summer days!

Such a big help working on the landscaping.

Loving the water!

This expression just cracks me up!
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Monday, March 25, 2013

Snow Day!!

So today we ended up having a snow day in March!!! What happened to Spring?! Any how, Liam and I enjoyed our day by playing in the snow!! Let me rephrase that... it took me an hour to dress him, for 5 minutes of playing in the snow because he decided he hates snow and he would rather be in Florida!! Lol It was worth it though because I learned today that my son has a love/hate thing for snow!!

Not sure about this...

Ok I kinda like it!

Seriously mom?! You got snow on me?!

Time to go in!!! :)

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's all about the green!

We had a very fun and festive weekend celebrating St. Patrick's Day!! It included: enjoying the warmer weather on Friday and hitting the park from some fun, going to the parade in St. Louis, lots of cute green clothes, green eggs and pancakes, and of course, a little green beer for this mom and dad!! Hope you all had a fun and festive weekend!!

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Friday, February 8, 2013

Smooches and cuddles!

One of the millions of reasons I love being a mom... My little guy has just learned how to give smooches. It is so stinking adorable and just melts my heart! It amazes me how much he learns everyday. He is so active and gets into anything he sets his little eyes on. When I do finally get the chance to feed him a bottle and cuddle, is the most cherished time for me. Just love my little cuddle bug!!! Here are sum pics from the last couple of weeks...


He wrinkles his nose like his mama

Sweet boy

Giving daddy hugs!! Melts my heart!!

Last but not least... My 9 month old sure can rock the fedora!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Life as we know it...

Mod-Look Blazers for BabyUGG Kids - Erin (Infant/Toddler)Since Liam was a newborn, I feel that every stage he reaches is AMAZING and could not get any better..... Boy was I wrong! Each stage is better then the last. Now he is army crawling, talking up a storm (like his dad LOL), and starting to show his personality more and more everyday. I just love this little guy!!!  For those that know me, I was never really sure if I wanted kids of my own... Don't get me wrong, I LOVE kids. I just liked other people's kids because your could play with them and cuddle, then send them home without the late night feedings, tantrums, and lack of sleep. As I'm sure all of you have heard or experienced that the day you hold you sweet baby in your arms, is the day your world is filled with love like you have never experienced before. WOW! I never knew I could love this little guy soooo much! He just melts my heart!! Especially the day he said "mom" first!!! Let me tell you, I wanted to brag to my hubby about it non stop because he thinks little man is such a daddy's boy.... but I held my victory dance in and was secretly jumping up and down. Now, not only is our little man saying "mom" but he is now saying "dada"and even said "hi dada", the other day when my husband walked in (let me tell you, I believe Dusty brags about it, at least everyday). So yes, late night feedings, lack of sleep, and tantrums are totally worth it!! Another thing I absolutely love is being able to dress him up in the most adorable clothes... Here are some of my favs...             
Uggs- Zappos
Clothes and shoes are from Old Navy and Carters                                                                                                           "Heart Throb" Tees for Baby                       Lace-Up High-Top Sneakers for Baby

Short-Sleeve Graphic Tee

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Valentine's Day!

I'm so excited for Valentine's Day so we did a little photo shoot for our cards I want to send out. Since I didn't get our Christmas cards sent out, I decided I'd send out Valentine's!! I had to do a quick shoot because he was getting crabby... So another photo shoot will be coming up soon!

Liam's Room...

I wanted to create a room for him that was not too baby that we would have to change out after awhile. I tried to decorate more with colors as a theme, instead of animals, sports, ect. I love coming in here to rock him and hang out. Its definitely my favorite room in our house!

8 Month Loves

I have had every intention to start blogging because I love reading everyone else's blog. SO... here is my attempt to do so. I'm going to start out with my baby favorites! Mr. Liam is now 8 months!!! I have no clue where the time has gone but I have been loving every minute of it. Here are a few of the things that we have LOVED at this age!!!

The Safe Sippy CupJeep - Liberty Renegade Walker          Radio Flyer 12S Classic Walker Wagon
Evenflo - Exersaucer Jump and Learn, Jungle Quest

Vulli Sophie the Giraffe Teether

Jeep Walker- http://www.walmart.com/ip/Jeep-Liberty-Renegade-Walker-Jeep-Bolt/16439810

Radio Flyer Walker/Wagon- http://www.amazon.com/Radio-Flyer-Classic-Walker-Wagon/dp/B00005AWB5/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1359227711&sr=8-1&keywords=red+flyer+walker

Sippy Cup- http://www.amazon.com/The-Safe-Sippy-Cup-Green/dp/B004HKIIGC/ref=sr_1_2?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1359227839&sr=1-2&keywords=stainless+steel+sippy+cup

Jumperoo- http://www.walmart.com/ip/Evenflo-Exersaucer-Jump-and-Learn-Jungle-Quest/19414749

Teether- http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000IDSLOG/ref=asc_df_B000IDSLOG2363878?