Monday, March 25, 2013

Snow Day!!

So today we ended up having a snow day in March!!! What happened to Spring?! Any how, Liam and I enjoyed our day by playing in the snow!! Let me rephrase that... it took me an hour to dress him, for 5 minutes of playing in the snow because he decided he hates snow and he would rather be in Florida!! Lol It was worth it though because I learned today that my son has a love/hate thing for snow!!

Not sure about this...

Ok I kinda like it!

Seriously mom?! You got snow on me?!

Time to go in!!! :)

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's all about the green!

We had a very fun and festive weekend celebrating St. Patrick's Day!! It included: enjoying the warmer weather on Friday and hitting the park from some fun, going to the parade in St. Louis, lots of cute green clothes, green eggs and pancakes, and of course, a little green beer for this mom and dad!! Hope you all had a fun and festive weekend!!

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