Monday, March 25, 2013

Snow Day!!

So today we ended up having a snow day in March!!! What happened to Spring?! Any how, Liam and I enjoyed our day by playing in the snow!! Let me rephrase that... it took me an hour to dress him, for 5 minutes of playing in the snow because he decided he hates snow and he would rather be in Florida!! Lol It was worth it though because I learned today that my son has a love/hate thing for snow!!

Not sure about this...

Ok I kinda like it!

Seriously mom?! You got snow on me?!

Time to go in!!! :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. How adorable!

    When you get a chance, stop over at my blog, I'm holding a giveaway for a Naked 2 palette!
