Friday, February 8, 2013

Smooches and cuddles!

One of the millions of reasons I love being a mom... My little guy has just learned how to give smooches. It is so stinking adorable and just melts my heart! It amazes me how much he learns everyday. He is so active and gets into anything he sets his little eyes on. When I do finally get the chance to feed him a bottle and cuddle, is the most cherished time for me. Just love my little cuddle bug!!! Here are sum pics from the last couple of weeks...


He wrinkles his nose like his mama

Sweet boy

Giving daddy hugs!! Melts my heart!!

Last but not least... My 9 month old sure can rock the fedora!

1 comment:

  1. He is so adorable! Just wanted to let you know!
    I nominated/gave you the Liebster award! Here are the rules:

    -Answer the 11 questions asked.
    1Leave a link back to the blogger that nominated you.
    -Choose bloggers with less than 200 followers to nominate, and let them know they have been picked.
    -Write 11 new questions for them to answer.

    I put the questions on my latest blog post! :D
